Tuesday, October 22, 2013


So this week was good. We worked really hard and were able to teach a lot of lessons. Hna Choque is really great. She is more on the timid side but is so sweet and has a great testimony. We are trying our best to talk with everyone that we see. It is actually pretty exhausting, but it´s good and we are meeting a bunch of new people. We are looking for a family that can receive the blessings of this Gospel. So please pray for us in that. Actually please pray for us in everything. haha Training is good. It´s weird cause I take control of everything which before Hna Q always did. I will admit it is pretty stressful at times. If we don´t do good it is all on me. Like I have to do everything. But it´s good cause I can see that I am progressing. We don´t learn unless we are challenged. No we don´t have a kitchen, just a little fridge and a little stove. I have pictures of the casa so maybe one day I will send them. The pictures of the kitchen that we were in was at the house of a member.
So this week my testimony in the scriptures grew even more. Every personal and companionship study I felt the spirit with the scriptures and learned something new. I love the scriptures! There were 2 times that I cried, hard, when reading something in the scriptures. For example in John 13:8-9. During our companionship study we read that and I could have sobbed but I was trying really hard to control myself cause Hna Choque was there and she probably felt awkward in the first place that I was crying. haha I don´t know why but it just touched me so much. We have to let Christ help/serve us always cause we can´t do anything without him.
We taught Demetria 3 times this week and they were all really good lessons. I truly love her. We invited her to baptism and she accepted (along with her sister)! But she has to get married first so her fecha isn't until 30 de noviembre. We talked to her about marriage and how it is a commandment and what not and then the next day we taught the Law of Chastity. It is a little awkward having to teach that when the person has 2 kids, not married and lives with her boyfriend. But it was fine. We had a member with us and she helped a lot. It was sad cause she told us that she felt bad, we told her that we weren't here to make her feel bad to to help her and that we know these things will bring so much more happiness in her life. And also how God is so merciful and how we have repentance. She truly had the desire to do what is right and talked with her boyfriend about marriage but he doesn't want to. How stupid is he? Yeah, sorry that was a little harsh but yeah we are going to talk with him this Saturday. I have been thinking a lot in how we can help her and her husband get married and that he will want to go to church too.
She didn't come to church though yesterday so her fecha doesn't count. Before we had a member go to pick her up and take her to church but he told the member that she couldn't come. So then we called her and she said that she was having problems so she would be late. I was waiting anxiously all through sacrament meeting to see her but nothing. I cried. I just felt so sad and like a failure. It´s so frustrating because I want so badly that these people can receive these blessings but they all have their agency. But still I think, ¨what more could I have done?¨ I put the blame on me. The mission is stressful. But we visited her after and she said that she was having problems with her other sister so she couldn't come but she wanted to.
But we had 1 investigador at church so that was good! Noemi. She is 17 years old and lives with a member. She is great, we taught her this week and are going to teach her Saturday again. It was her Birthday Friday so we gave her a Book of Mormon and chocolate. The best gift anyone can receive, yeah? Eternal Salvation and chocolate!

 Something exciting... Alvaro, the Dad of the familia Hidalgo received the Aaronic Priesthood and blessed the sacrament yesterday. How awesome is that?! I was so happy for him. They have progressed so much and that brings me so much joy.
We had intercambios this week! I was with Hna Mita (from La Paz, Bolivia) in our area and Hna C was in her area with her companion. It was really good. I love intercambios because I always learn so much from the other hermanas and it´s fun to switch things up every once and a while and be with someone different for a day. 

So this morning Hna C told me that I was talking in my sleep... in Spanish and in English. hahah seriously that is my mind. I think in both Spanish and English. It´s a little confusing sometimes. and that I was laughing in my sleep. haha so I am happy in my dreams so that is good.
I don´t know how long it takes for a package to get to me but I am assuming about 3 or 4 weeks. I loves packages! *hint hint. Thanks so much for your love and support! I am truly so lucky and blessed. the mission is hard and exhausting but it is great and I am so grateful for the things that I have learned and experienced. I am glad that things are going great at home! But it seems like every time you email me someone new died. haha so that is a little depressing. Thanks heavens for the Plan of Salvation.  I love you!!!!
Hermana Wursten

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