Hola! Ok so the internet is being crazy slow and to be honest it was probably the most frustrating feeling and I am not having very good missionary feelings right now. Just towards the internet. So if you emailed me and I didnt respond it is probably because I wasnt even able to read it or open any pictures. this last week was really great! Time is flying by now. the first weeek went by so slow and now time is going by too fast! Yes I saw that worldwide broadcast on Sunday! It was AMAZING! I felt the spirit SO strongly and was more proud than ever to be a missionary and part of the amazing work that is going on. I loved all of it. After we had a district meeting about it for like almost 2 hours and we talked so much about such great things. My district is seriously awesome. We have a ton of fun together but also have great spiritual experiences and insights as well. Perfect combo. We somehow got on the topic of family History work and a lot of the Hermanas were talking about how they could feel their ancestors watching over them and what not and it made me think of my ancestors like Grandma Dorminy and Grandma Greene and all these ancestors that I have never been able to meet but know that they love me and are watching over me. Pretty cool to think about. So this week me and Hna Faulk taught an actual real investigator!!!!! We were really nervous before but it actually went really well! We talked about the Restoration and during I felt the spirit so strongly and I testified of my testimony of Joseph Smith. Hna faulk said that that was when the spirit came into our lesson so that was cool. After our lession our teacher told us that the Lady couldnt understand everything we said but that she felt the spirit and felt that the things we were talking about were true. So that was pretty cool! I used to be really nervous to teach and now I like it more and more! Especially in spanish. No way is my spanish very good but I have felt that I have been progessing more and its so amazing to me to think that I am actually teaching lessons in spanish! My teachers have even told me that i am getting better so I am trying to keep a positive attitude.
Ok Chrissy THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PACKAGE!! Seriously I was so excited, I screamed. haha Its so great to hear from people in the actual real world. I love my family! I wrote you back and should be mailing it soon so get excited for that! Seriously I love being here. I came out on a mission mostly for myself, so I could grow and experience great things but as I have been here I have realized that I am not here for myself at all but here to spread the Gospel to the beautiful people of bolivia! Heavenly Father needs me. Not only does he need me but he needs us ALL! Missionary work is seriously so awesome! Lately during language study me and Hna Faulk have been reading el Libro De Mormon out loud. It is helping us better with our pronunciations and stuff so that is great. The Templo was great today as usual. After we went to some stores. I bought some things so just as heads up if you see it on the credit card. I bought Ollie and Max cute little ties to wear to church so hopefully I can somehow mail that back or just have to wait until I get back from my mission to give it to them. If Nathan and Owen go to church regularly I will get them ties too. hint hint. I will try and email some more pictures if the internet is being better. Oh, what is the verdict with the Sister missionaries??? Are they going to be in my room or no? anywyas I love you all! If you havent written me yet be a good friend or family member and write me! Letters are da bomb. I miss you!Hermana Wurstenps. We got new roommates and they are white. I am so bummed. I miss all the latinos. Over 50 norteamericanos came in on tuesday and most of them were girls. Its insane.
Me and Hermana Faulk with our new hair clips.
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